Tag Archives: christian vlogger

Creamy Southwest Chicken Soup

13 Apr

I just love those mindless, economical, quick throw together dinners.  We had a (healthy…I sometimes get called out for the unhealthy recipes….balance, my friends, balance.) baked whole chicken for dinner last night and I used the carcass to whip up a yummy homemade broth for tonight’s dinner. You can definitely use store bought broth and it is just as good.  So if you are interested in not spending a large portion of your evening preparing dinner tonight keep reading for the printable recipe.


Cast of characters. Mostly pantry staples.


Dump all the ingredients in to the crock pot, give it a quick stir, and forget-about-it!




Soup, glorious, soup! This cooked low and slow in my slow cooker for about 7 hours. Add a little garnish and VOILA! Simple, hearty, family favorite!


Click here for the printable recipe

What is your favorite mindless, quick, throw together dinners?  I am always looking for inspiration!

Thanks for visiting!

~Be Blessed and be a Blessing~


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